I love designing our Christmas cards. I start mulling over it around Halloween, and by November I'm ready to get to work. This year, I ran a little late, but all was well and the cards got out a week or so before the big day. I wanted them to be different and fun, but not break the bank - so we threw in a printed glassline envelope and some fun envelope work. Although I'm a little out of practice, I had a blast getting to do the calligraphy on all 125 of our cards. As you can see on the main page of this website, our pup Gracie is pretty much the love of our lives. We wanted to really feature her this year, as she's become such an integral part of our family and infamous among our friends and families. We shot our photos in our living room (big thanks to Justin Wright - www.justinwrightphoto.com - for the photo!), featuring Gracie and her bone, and I had a rubber stamp made of her paw print that we stamped the envelopes with. She likes to pretend to do quality control on all Lemon Tree products (she sniffs and sniffs until she's satisfied with what she's found), so we kind of meant it as her seal of approval, as well as a fun way to incorporate her into our Christmas greetings.